The Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat established by the Department of Education, stands out prominently as a major response to the very theme of the current century, which is being rapidly characterized as a gateway to the future where the human world family will at last come to create the network of relationships through the harmonizing threads of knowledge. Knowledge has therefore become today the dynamic watchword, and major progressive steps of development are being measured in terms of advancing of knowledge and learning society. Indeed, the Department of Education, Government of Gujarat has manifested eloquently its commitment to the future by creating the Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat. Since the emerging world scenario is marked by various peaks of concentrated knowledge and excellence dotted across the world, it would be imperative for knowledge societies to innovate, cooperate and collaborate with other institutions of knowledge in the world. Such an approach based on collaborating and forming a ‘consortium’ of knowledge would also tremendously accelerate the pace of development of knowledge in the State. KCG envisions to generate and provide ideas and paradigms for achieving excellence in education, educational management and policy framing for education in general and higher education in particular. Along with considering education holistically, it would, through its initiatives pertaining to preservation, acquisition, generation, dissemination and application of knowledge and innovation in all domains of knowledge, ensure that Gujarat carves a unique niche for itself in the global knowledge society in the 21st century. Further the KCG would proactively facilitate the integration of matter, life, mind and spirit and realization of the ideal fraternity, harmonizing the ideals of liberty and equality.
Main Objectives of KCG are
(1) To provide a robust platform for the extensive sharing and dissemination of knowledge across all stakeholders of education in general and higher education in particular.
(2) To introduce initiatives to increase access and equity of higher education in the State and facilitate academic reforms in different domains of higher education in consonance with changes in various spheres of knowledge:
Curricular aspects
Capacity building of teachers and principals through training
Teaching and learning: by introducing educational technology enabled innovative teaching, learning, research and extension activities.
Evaluation reforms by introducing comprehensive continuous credit and grades based assessment.
Increasing employability of students.
Accountable governance delivery systems in higher education.
To connect all universities, colleges, research institutions and libraries of the State with national and international knowledge networks.
To facilitate interface among research scholars and faculties in the State and with visiting international academicians particularly Non Resident Indians by arranging their visits to the universities/ Departments/Colleges working in their area of specialization and also by arranging their lectures through SANDHAN Initiative.
To facilitate active collaboration among centers of excellence in the state with their counterparts in the country and beyond.
To bridge the divide--linguistic, knowledge and digital--and also to promote capacity building of the existing, faculties by equipping and honing their basic skills of English and Computer for better knowledge management.
To work for preservation and promotion of Indian knowledge systems and knowledge manuscripts and act as the nodal agency for the National/Regional Knowledge initiatives.
To use translation as an instrument of appropriation of knowledge in other languages and act as the hub for translation of knowledge texts and prepare a repository of existing translations and translators.
To act as a Resource Centre by preparing the data base of students/research scholars/ teachers and their publications and support surveys, studies, projects to realize the objectives of the KCG.
To promote cutting edge research and creation of knowledge–innovation and patenting by facilitating networking of individuals /Institutions/agencies engaged in the above processes in accordance with Intellectual Property Rights.
To prepare and provide models of integrated education that would facilitate holistic development and prepare students to face the challenges of a globally competitive world and life.