Annual College NSS Camp

15/01/2018 - 7 years ago

This Year Annual College Camp was held at Primary School Segvi Ta.Dist – Valsad from 15/1/2018 to 21/1/2018 . 167 NSS volunteers (Female-85 , Male-82) of our college participated in this camp.They actively carried out all the activities during their seven day stay at camp.They also participated in the various activities that were conducted during the camp.  They enjoyed a lot and gathered a lot of experience there.The  following  activities were done by NSS volunteers.
(1)    Survey Of Village
(2)    Free Eye Checking Camp (Chasma Sibir )
(3)    Dental Camp
(4)    Swachhta Abhiyan
(5)    Tree Plantation
(6)    Some Health and Competitive Exam Related  Lectures
(7)  Color the Tree Of The School Campus
(8) Prabhatferi in Village